How much does shipping cost?
We have a standard shipping fee of £3.99 on all orders. Worldwide shipping costs may vary.
Where do you ship?
All of our products are available for shipping within United Kingdom & Worldwide (additional fees may apply)
When will my item arrive?
We suggest to allow up to 14 working days for in stock items.
When is my card charged?
All orders are charged in full at checkout.
Can I cancel my order?
Once you place your order you have 24hrs to cancel. After this time period a 15% restocking fee applies. Please refer to our Returns Policy for additional details.
Can I customise my item?
Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate personal customisation on products at this time, but please send us an email for us to note this down as feedback!
Can I combine discount codes? 
Unfortunately not. You can only use one discount code per order.
Do you have a showroom?
Not at the moment. But this is something we are aiming for in the future!
Can I apply a current discount code to an already placed order?
If the order was submitted within the promoted time frame of the sale we will honour the sale. We cannot apply discounts to transactions made outside of the promoted sale time frame.  
Where are your products made?
We source our products from over 50 suppliers around the world that manufacture in the USA, UK, Mexico, China, Vietnam, India, and more.
If you'd like to know the origin of a particular product, please contact us.  
I have received a damaged product!
We are really sorry to hear about that! Please send an email to atouchofrayshop@gmail.com with an image of the damaged item within 42 hours of receiving the product. Our courier will need photographic evidence of the damaged item for us to make a claim.
Can I change my shipping address for the order? 
Please ensure you enter the correct address & postcode correctly.
If you do notice a mistake once you've placed your order, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Please also include a telephone number as this will allow our courier service to contact you to update you on any changes if necessary.